Hello everybody! I'm unbearably joyful to be returning back with great news.
The first every hard copy of"Aurelia's Way Back Home" has officially been delivered. It's a beautiful book that's quite large (20x20) and therefore makes it even easier to read, even from far away. This is the perfect book for a read-aloud with students, and with the first day of EloEllie's SDG Winter-Spring Intensive SDG Book Club, almost here, we are going to start off by handing out hard copies of the book to our members nearby, and hopefully will be able to mail off the copies to other students abroad.
A huge thanks to my publisher and Amazon, of course, that graciously allowed me to publish this children's book. After nearly 3 months of planning, writing, revising, this book feel surreal in my hands. Another thank you to the 50 students who signed up for EloEllie's SDG Book club! I can't wait to meet everybody.
If you're an interested reader who would like to get your hands on this book, please email me at elliesohn28@gmail.com and I will send a free pdf right your way! If you would like to make a mass order of the hardcover books, please also reach out to me, instead of purchasing them through Amazon, I will supply those copies for free. My purpose is to make sure I can provide free resources whenever possible. Although there is a hefty price tag on Amazon for this book, that's unfortunately a hardship that accompanies an indie author. I will be more than happy to send you free versions, and make the shipments myself.
Thank you for everyone's support until this moment and hopefully, we can continue pushing forward as a powerhouse.